The School of Bravery Podcast Archive
The research for the book Bare Naked Bravery: How to Be Creatively Courageous started with a podcast which continues today as a free resource & supplemental content for students of The School of Bravery.
081: How to Manage Stress & Expectations as an Entrepreneur with Benjamin Dell
Anybody who has ever done something new for the first time will tell you it's a bit stressful. Ask any entrepreneur how their stress-life is and they'll most likely tell you they're hanging by a thread or really overwhelmed orin some cases they'll look like the stress gives them a high that only illegal substances could explain. ha!
I say that from experience, because I've been all versions of stress management as an entrepreneur. I've poorly handled my stress and especially after the diagnosis…
080: The Defiant Expectation of Recovery with Jessica Flint
The timing of how this episode lined up to get published is perfect! Today we have Jessica Flint with us! Jessica and I recorded this conversation several weeks ago after she interviewed me for her community Recovery Warriors.
We had such a great time together that I knew y'all would enjoy meeting her too. but THEN when Jessica found out I was coming through Austin on my book concert tour, without any hesitation she opened her home to my dog and I! So last week, our internet friendship become r…
ps048: Is Imagination Insanity? How to Think Beyond Your Reality
On today's mini-episode we're talking all about constraints, limitations, and how to have an imagination based on *hope* for your future. There are three main points I want to make, to help us get out of the "woe is me" mindset. So listen below to hear those thoughts and my answer to whether I think imagination is insanity or not.
I also give y'all a little update on how my book concert tour is going! Texas has been wonderful! Lots of chips & salsa, new friends, old friends, and amazing times s…
079: Risky Business: Saying Yes to Rejection with the Ladies Behind Badassery Magazine
Today's episode is a first for the Bare Naked Bravery podcast! I'm stoked that we've got BOTH Samatha Parker and Kathy Rasmussen with us today! It's our first episode with more than one guest at once! Things are getting fancy over here!
A couple months ago they featured me on their Badassery podcast and I also wrote an article about how bravery can help a business owner build their bank account. I believe the article was on page 52 of their April issue. Go check it out at
I re…
ps047: The Upside of Taking Risks
This week I'm preparing to leave my temporary home base of Atlanta to venture out into over 45 days of book readings, live performances, and workshops throughout the US. (All the dates and details are here:
Since this month's theme in the School of Bravery and here on the podcast is Risk & Rejection, I thought I'd take a couple minutes before packing up my suitcase to talk about the upside of risk and the benefits it offers. Here are the 4 main topics I unf…
078: Hiding Under Desks, Prioritizing Pain & Other Hard Things with Jessica Ribera
Today we have an awesome nomination as our guest! I always love it when things like this work out, and I just have to thank Jessica Ribera for being so willing and open to jump into our conversation so blindly.
Jonny, a former bandmate of mine, nominated Jessica Ribera for today's episode. She and I talk about the moments we share while dealing with our respective pains and losses. Jessica lost her ballet career. I lost my career as a cellist. Today we both find ourselves using the word writer …
ps046: How to Nurse Your Wounds of Rejection
In today's peep show episode, we discuss my 6 go-to steps for recovering from rejection. This is so important for any creative or visionary. Those of us who have big ideas, often encounter rejection of those big ideas.
Understanding how to present those big ideas to the world is crucial, yes. (Speaking of, have you RSVP'd for the next masterclass yet?
ut understanding how to handle and recover from rejection is ALSO crucial. If you're putting yourself out…
077: How to Find a Powerful Voice for Advocacy with Liis Windischmann
I am so pumped for today's interview. Liis Windischmann is with us! Liis is a curvy model and a TV personality who is a massive advocate for wellness, body love, and consciously creating epic lives.
Today Liis and I are talking about Power of Choice. I knew she'd be a great person for this subject because there's no way someone would choose to advocate for anything if they didn't know how to utilize their personal power of choice. Standing up and speaking out against societal norms is a huge ve…
ps045: Regaining Your Power & Enforcing Boundaries
The past 2 weeks were filled with unexpected changes in my personal life. These changes greatly affected my work life. So in light of this month's top of "power of choice" in the realm of self-promotion, today we're chatting about how to regain your power by enforcing boundaries and drawing new lines in the sand. This is a crucial skill for anyone with personal life and a career - we all need the ability to balance crisis between the two realms.
Sign up for the Overcoming Self-Promotion Masterc…
076: How to Edit Your Writing with Powerful Authenticity - Q&A with KARIN STEVENS
Today we have a sequel episode with Karin Stevens! (If you haven't listened to her previous episode, I dropped a link to it in the show notes for this episode.) Karin is a choreographer based in the Seattle area. It turns out that she's been doing more writing lately and she sent me an email the other day with a question. I immediately knew this question should become a podcast episode.
Her email was perfect timing too because I had a lightbulb moment the other day. Once a month, I'd like to fe…
ps044: Doing Self-Promotion Differently
Last week I announced we were planning on a workshop all about how to not be a victim in life, but I got so many random questions about self-promotion that I decided to turn this month's theme of "Power of Choice" into how to use your power of choice to make better decisions in a self-promotion environment.
So in honor of this month's FREE masterclass (register here: today we're talking all about how to do self-promotion differently and what that decision …
075: Taking the Leap with Fabienne Raphaël
I am so thrilled to introduce y'all to one of my accountability gals! Fabienne and I met online because we were both building similar kinds of excitement with our businesses. When she and I were meeting up weekly, I really appreciated her sense of straight-forward clarity and ability to just make something happen.
I don't know if you've captured the trend or pivot of the show since we launched my book into the world, but I'll give you a peek into the method of my madness for this upcoming year.…
ps043: How to Know If You're Bullshitting Yourself
This week aligned pretty perfectly. No surprise there. I had previously scheduled to talk about this subject so the fact that I woke up struggling with this really could not have been more perfect.
It is imperative that we call BS when we see it. In ourselves, in others, in our surroundings - if we see folks faking authenticity or trying to be a square peg in a round hole, we need to call it out.
So that's what we're talking about today.
PS - if any of this resonates with you, send me an emai…
074: Let the Numbers Be Your Guide with Ashley Armstrong
If numbers and data kinda make your eye roll and blood boil, then today's episode is for you. I recognize not every person wants to dive headfirst into a spreadsheet, but sometimes numbers can be a really easy way to make decisions and plan for your future, especially if your future involves a season of bravery.
If you're one of our new community members and haven't heard the phrase "Season of Bravery" yet then allow me to illuminate this for you. A season of bravery can be anything from the ye…
ps042: Forecasting For Your Seasons of Bravery
This week we're chatting about how to prepare for your next season of bravery and how to use some forecasting skills to make that happen. Using all the information we have available can be powerful, especially as we make plans for the future - which is what I'm doing this month while finishing up this national book tour. Come out and say hi!
Oh and here's the other episode with Bailie Slevin I mentioned:
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
073: The Courage of Choosing Silence with Singer-Songwriter Naomi Wachira
I'm really excited about today's featured conversation. Not only does it mark a pretty significant milestone for this little podcast, but it also is so refreshing to hear. At least, it was a conversation I personally needed to participate in.
Real quick though: registration is open for the upcoming free masterclass I'm teaching titled, "How to Find your Confidence Without Bullshitting Yourself." Like I said, the class is free, it's hosted online, and there will be a replay available for those o…
072: The Audacious Luxury of Ego and Being Bald with Ann Rousseau
Before we get into today's show, if you are listening to this episode on the Tuesday that it first goes live, then there is still time to jump in on a last minute masterclass I'm teaching on the subject of How to Use Your Fear and Get What you Want. It's free, hosted online, and there will be a replay available for those who signed up on the class list. You can go to to get yourself on the list.
I'm launching The School of Advanced Bravery soon and this class is j…
ps041: Post-Bravery Brain Mush & Book Excitement
Last week we released my book "Bare Naked Bravery: How to Be Creatively Courageous" into the world and it was a smashing success! Yay! However, last week turned my brain to absolute mush, which is normal for what happens to your body after you do something brave (like publishing a book, throwing a concert, appearing on television - all of which I did last week!)
Take a listen to hear all about it!
If you haven't yet, purchase your copy of the book here.
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peter…
071: How to Turn Your Day-Job Into a Work of Patronage with Gabby Keegan
This week we're joined by Gabby Keegan who is the voice behind the Moxie Podcast! She and I chatted for a bit a while back on her show and I wanted to bring her on and jam together about some of the bravery it takes to consider your day job a work of patronage, what does it mean to be an introvert in an extroverted job, how to find sanity in a crazy career world.
Without further ado, let's jump on into the show!
Brave Take-Aways
Your Brave Take Away from today's show is to go get yourself…
ps040: How to Make Space for Powerful Moments
In reaction to how close the publishing date for my book was the other day someone asked me, "Are you just so proud of yourself?!" The question caught me off guard because if I'm being honest I wasn't proud of myself. I wasn't proud because I hadn't taken time to feel that yet.
So after taking a couple days to continue with all the busy hubbub of all this book release excitement, I also took some time to feel the full effect of attaining a really huge milestone for myself.
Regardless of how t…