073: The Courage of Choosing Silence with Singer-Songwriter Naomi Wachira

I'm really excited about today's featured conversation. Not only does it mark a pretty significant milestone for this little podcast, but it also is so refreshing to hear. At least, it was a conversation I personally needed to participate in.
Real quick though: registration is open for the upcoming free masterclass I'm teaching titled, "How to Find your Confidence Without Bullshitting Yourself." Like I said, the class is free, it's hosted online, and there will be a replay available for those of you who aren't in my timezone. Go register yourself by visiting http://emilyannpeterson.com/workshops
Everyone who registers for the class will get the class replay links and corresponding worksheets too! http://emilyannpeterson.com/workshops - I'll look forward to seeing you in class!
Okay, so at the time of recording this episode, about 18 months have passed since we spoke to our first ever podcast guest. Both she and I have learned big huge lessons about what it means to be brave as a musician and performing songwriter. So in celebration of the book Bare Naked Bravery being published earlier this month, I wanted to touch back to the beginnings of this show and catch up with Naomi Wachira.
If you haven't heard her story or that first episode, I encourage you to do so. However, today's conversation won't lose you because we're talking about the courage of choosing silence, which applies to anyone, anywhere.
Especially on the heels of a busy season of hustling, we need that rest and rejuvenation. Naomi and I spend today's conversation swimming through the waters of this silence. It's quite an appropriate conversation for me to have personally because while she's ramping down a busy season, I'm ramping UP my season of speaking up and showing up. Personally, I needed this reminder to intentionally build in the rest, the silence, and the deep nourishment that my soul needs to do its real work in the world. Naomi needed this too. Perfect timing, as always.
As with each of the guests on this podcast, Naomi is someone who inspires bravery in me personally. She was one of the first names I wrote down while brainstorming who I'd reach out to, to research this book, the book that is now published with the same name as this podcast, "Bare Naked Bravery: How to Be Creatively Courageous."
Side Note: If you haven't purchased it yet, go for it! All formats are available on Amazon right now: hardback, paperback, audiobook, and ebook. (http://a.co/6Iqkikw)
And if you've already read it --- what'd you think?! An honest Amazon review would be the perfect next step. Amazon reviews, like iTunes reviews, are how people will find this book. I know there are myriads of folks out there who need to 1) listen to what Naomi and I talk about today, but 2) who also need to hear the stories and bravery building knowledge held within those pages. So Amazon reviews are the answer to that, at least for today.
Today's conversation is a perfect example of the nakedness required for big bold actions. Sometimes being still, pausing your movement, and listening on a deeper level takes more bravery than keeping the hustle going.
So I'd like you to take a deep breath to make space for a new level of listening... I give you Naomi Wachira.
Brave Take-Aways
Your Brave Take-Away from today's show is to get silent. 5 minutes, 50 minutes - doesn't matter. Take a pause. Sit in the noise. Listen deeply. Sense your external surroundings, feel for your internal landscape. Soak in the silence and then write any observations that come up.
If you're in a sharing mood, pop into the Bare Naked Bravery Facebook group and let us know what you observed. If you're not yet a member of the Bare Naked Bravery Community, we'd love to have you. Your goodies are available by going to emilyannpeterson.com/join
You can find Naomi Wachira and myself on facebook, twitter, instagram, and more. Go ahead and tag us so we can cheer you on and see what you're up to.
Keep in Touch with Naomi Wachira
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
If you're diggin' the music in today's episode, that's because it's brought to you by Lee Rosevere. To find out more about all the artists, musicians, and other sponsors of the show, please visit emilyannpeterson.com/partners
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