The School of Bravery Podcast Archive
The research for the book Bare Naked Bravery: How to Be Creatively Courageous started with a podcast which continues today as a free resource & supplemental content for students of The School of Bravery.
How to Take Creative Risks as an Entrepreneur & Activist feat. HanaKyle Moranz of The Body Hotline
Today we get to meet one of our students! Hanakyle Moranz is the founder of The Body Hotline, a New Yorker, a body movement maven, and social justice warrior. She joins us to discuss all of that AND how she's feeling about launching a brand new product in the middle of a pandemic.
I think you'll appreciate her approach to compassionate entrepreneurship and her new 5 Minute Movement offering. For listeners and students of The School of Bravery, $10 off the monthly subscription (usually $30) use …
Lessons from Dandelions on Defiance & Social Justice with Kate Fontana
In this episode, we have to honor of sitting with Kate Fontana on her deck to enjoy some sunshine and chats about everything we can learn from dandelions about defiance and social justice.
Kate Fontana is a queer Catholic yogi, interspiritual midwife, and a sacred activist. She's also on our awesome lineup of guest faculty and provides our students with a monthly meditation. Be sure to catch the bonus training on how to use meditation to tap into your creative courage. https://www.schoolofbrave…
Why You Need to Attend a Work Party with Erin Mae Lewis
This month we celebrated the beginning of our 2nd year! We're kicking things off with some brand new events on our monthly calendar, including a monthly WORK PARTY!
Erin Mae Lewis has been a student of The School of Bravery for the last year and I'm so excited to have her join the faculty to help us host these awesome monthly events.
In today's episode, we talk all about why you need to get yourself to a Work Party, and STAT! I think you'll enjoy hearing from her what this last year has been …
088: Keeping the Folk Alive with Erin Mae Lewis
As this month's featured School of Bravery student, Erin MaeLewis is with us this week! We talk about folk music -- mountain dulcimer, specifically -- and some of her previous "Seasons of Bravery." (i.e. surviving cancer at 20 years old and being a full-time modern folk musician! She also tells us about her current season of bravery and what she's got her sights set on these days!
If you like folk music and finding common ground with people (Lord, knows we need it today!), then you'll enjoy thi…
076: How to Edit Your Writing with Powerful Authenticity - Q&A with KARIN STEVENS
Today we have a sequel episode with Karin Stevens! (If you haven't listened to her previous episode, I dropped a link to it in the show notes for this episode.) Karin is a choreographer based in the Seattle area. It turns out that she's been doing more writing lately and she sent me an email the other day with a question. I immediately knew this question should become a podcast episode.
Her email was perfect timing too because I had a lightbulb moment the other day. Once a month, I'd like to fe…
058: Life With Herpes: Rejection & Self-Love featuring Alexandra Harbushka
Okay. Brace yourselves. Today we're gonna talk about some subjects that don't always come across as socially acceptable. But this isn't necessarily unusual for this show nor is it unusual for our guest today. Alexandra Harbushka joins us to talk about her new podcast and community: Life with Herpes.
Alexandra is special to me because we're business bffs, we're in a podcast mastermind together, AND I'm helping her be brave with this brand new somewhat terrifying new project of Life with Herpes.