The School of Bravery Podcast Archive
The research for the book Bare Naked Bravery: How to Be Creatively Courageous started with a podcast which continues today as a free resource & supplemental content for students of The School of Bravery.
058: Life With Herpes: Rejection & Self-Love featuring Alexandra Harbushka
Okay. Brace yourselves. Today we're gonna talk about some subjects that don't always come across as socially acceptable. But this isn't necessarily unusual for this show nor is it unusual for our guest today. Alexandra Harbushka joins us to talk about her new podcast and community: Life with Herpes.
Alexandra is special to me because we're business bffs, we're in a podcast mastermind together, AND I'm helping her be brave with this brand new somewhat terrifying new project of Life with Herpes.
…057: How to Be Wrong & Stay Listening with Andy Zook
Today we have the extreme pleasure of talking with Andy Zook of the band "Bears & Other Carnivores." Andy and I met because our mutual friend (who is also a member of the Bare Naked Bravery community) invited both Andy and I to perform a couple songs for a little backyard garden concert several weeks back. While I was *totally* enjoying Andy's songs, Tos, our mutual friend, pulled me aside and said "You've GOT to have Andy on Bare Naked Bravery. Your podcast and his podcast are two I listen to r…
056: Your DNA for Meaningful Work, Courage & Clarity with Steph Crowder
I'm so excited to feature Stephanie Crowder today! She's been a member of the Fizzle.Co Team for a couple years and I'm an avid fan of theirs! You'll find out more about that in a bit. More importantly to today's conversation, Stephanie recently started a gem of a podcast called "Courage & Clarity." In fact, she interviewed me for it and recently published those episodes too!
Today, she and I talk about duh, courage & clarity and how they play on each other and balance each other out. We also c…
ps030: How to Ask for What You're Worth
BareNakedBravery is asking for what you're worth.
This week on @barenakedbravery we're talking about a VERRRRY common question for creatives: How to ask for what you're worth!
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
If you're diggin' the music in today's episode, that's because it's brought to you by Lee Rosevere. To find out more about all the artists, m…
055: How to Find Your Creative Intuition with Food - Marisa Molina
This episode is near and dear to my heart. I know it's kind of weird to talk about your relationship to food on a bravery podcast for creatives, but here we are. If you've listened to the show for awhile, you've probably already heard me mention my own story with an eating disorder. I spent years and years NOT listening to my intuition and then years and years re-teaching myself all about it. As we explain later, there's actually a LOT in this intersection of topics of bravery, food, and creati…
ps029: When You Need Cash but Everyone's Running for the Hills
Fellow Creative Misfit, Tamara submitted the following question: "I'm in a really bad place financially. Like really bad. It seems like everyone I'm talking with about becoming a client of mine is back peddling and turning away. What do I do?" Ohhh girl. I've been there. and I've got some things for you to think about... perhaps they will reveal your next steps for getting yourself out of a financial pickle like this one.
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
054: How to Be Everything & Never Fit in a Box with Emilie Wapnick
Boy are y'all in for a treat today! Emilie Wapnick is here! She's the founder and facilitator of the Puttytribe Community and Puttylike blog! Turns out she and I have a LOT in common, we both live on islands. We both have given TED talks. We are both INFJ's and I'm sure there's a lot more out too. Please go watch her TED talk which is linked in the show notes for this episode. It's worth it.
Emilie Wapnick is a writer, career coach, blogger, and community leader. She is the founder and creativ…
ps028: How to Self-Care Without Becoming a Softie
Fellow Bare Naked Bravery community member submitting this stellar question for this week, "How do you balance self-care with self-discipline?" Suuuuch a good question! So that's what I dive into today. Where is the line between kindness, compassion, and getting uncomfortable? Do they belong together? Let's find out!
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
053: How to Encounter Fear: Advice from a Former Adrenaline Junkie with Akshay Nanavati
Today is going to be an adventure, that's for sure.
After overcoming drug addiction, a diagnosis of PTSD after the war in Iraq, and a battle with alcohol that pushed him to the brink of suicide, Akshay has since explored the most hostile environments on the planet and built a global business helping people live limitless lifestyles. Combining years of research in neuroscience and psychology with his life experience, Akshay wrote the book “Fearvana: The Revolutionary Science of How to Turn Fear …
ps027: How to Get More Results From Less Effort
Over the last couple weeks I've seen this happen a lot: my creative friend will go on vacation, work maybe 1 hour everyday while away only to return to a super hugely financially profitable week! Why does this happen?! And how have I been able to be soooo productive? It's allll about the 80/20 Pareto Principle. 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort. That's what we're talking about today on this week's peep show mini episode!
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
052: How to Grieve Beautifully & Collaborate Generously with HOLLI MARGELL
Okay guys get ready for a really intimate conversation this week. Today we have the privilege of hearing a really tender side of Holli Margell's experience as a photographer and specifically as a daughter of someone who died from breast cancer.
A side note: Holli and I don't talk about this really in the episode, but I know it's really timely to mention that providing places for women to get cancer screenings and regular checkups with a doctor is SO important. I am an avid supporter of Planned …
051: Curiosity & Its Role in The Art of Authenticity with LAURA COE
Let's talk about curiosity today. It plays such a HUGE role in our bravery (both the big and small kinds.) Someone estranged from their own curiosity, I've noticed, end up feeling trapped and victimized by their own situation. Regaining your sense of curiosity is a huge help for those moments of "Why is this happening to me!?"
This is why I'm so pleased to introduce you to Laura Coe is a life coach and an author of the book "Emotional Obesity" AND she's host of the podcast "Art of Authenticity.…
050: How to Change the World - 3 Types of Radical Advocacy with JARED ANGAZA
Let's dig deep into the subject of Philanthropy today. We've got Jared Angaza with us who is a strategist and philanthropist. There was just something about him and how he's putting himself out into the world that made me want him on the show. I think you'll appreciate his perspective and genuine passion for compassion as much as I do.
Jared lived and worked full time in East Africa for over a decade before moving to Costa Rica for the past year and a half. Now he and his family are living in h…
048: Real Artists Don't Starve - JEFF GOINS
Today we are joined by fellow artist and writer, Jeff Goins. He just came out with the book "Real Artists Don't Starve" and I loved it so much, I wanted him on the show to chat about all of it.
As just a little bit of a background, Jeff wrote the national bestseller book called "The Art of Work" which I also loved and so I was really stoked to have this conversation with him.
Today we're gonna chat about which parts of his new book didn't make the cut. We talk about how challenges always becko…
ps022: How to Gain Clarity from Big Horizons
This week I'm driving all the way across the country! My creative sabbatical in Atlanta, GA has wrapped up and I'm headed back to the Pacific Northwest to nestle into a new life on Orcas Island, WA. I'm really excited about it and this week's Peep Show is all about how much I gain from these long road trips. There's something magical about being in the midst of big horizons...
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson…
047: Surviving Sexual Assault - We Are Not Mere Objects with SARAH JANE
Today we have the joy of speaking with Sarah Jane, an artist who knows a lot about holding space for people to be tender and brave. I know this to be true because of my own experience with her. Sarah Jane is currently on staff at the arts organization where I had a 6-week artist residency just after I had been diagnosed with my essential tremor. Those 6 weeks were really hard for me - in so many ways - and Sarah Jane (and the rest of the staff at the Grunewald Guild) did so much for not only my …
ps021: Why Celebration & Connection is So Important
I faced a looooong to-do list this week, which is why today we're looking at why it's so important to celebrate and connect, even with the small stuff. Our seasons of bravery sometimes BEG us for this and I know that sometimes those really dark seasons of bravery make it really hard to reach out and connect with folks. But it's sooo soooooo soooooo important that we do this. Take a listen and learn how I did that this week.
046: Leadership Lessons from Authoritarianism, the Pursuit of Sustainability, and JOSHUA SPODEK
Today we get to talk with Joshua Spodek. I was super excited to jump into this conversation because Joshua is an Adjunct Professor at NYU, leadership coach and workshop leader for Columbia Business School, columnist for Inc., founder of Spodek Academy, and author of the book "Leadership Step by Step."
Now normally I don't flat-out read someone's biography verbatim on this part of the show, but you guys. Listen to this:
He has led seminars in leadership, entrepreneurship, creativity, and sales …
ps020: The One Thing I Wish I Did This Week
I've given some crazy wonderful announcements this week and my brain is going ALL over the place, so here we are at the end of this week and I'm really wishing I had done this one thing more: expression, for the sake of expression. Take a listen to this week's Peep Show episode to find out what I mean and why it's so so important to me.
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson…
045: How to Encounter Limitations in Your Seasons of Bravery with NINA FERREYRA
A lot of folks (myself included) love to travel. A lot of folks also say how wonderful it would be to live overseas. But not a lot of folks actually get to the stage of shopping around for apartments abroad. That's a whole other level of gutsiness. So that's what Nina Ferreyra and I talk about today!
Nina Ferreyra is the Founder & Editor-in-Chief of 707AVE. She works with women entrepreneurs who want to get clear on their branding and business goals. All her awesome links are available in the s…