055: How to Find Your Creative Intuition with Food - Marisa Molina


This episode is near and dear to my heart. I know it's kind of weird to talk about your relationship to food on a bravery podcast for creatives, but here we are. If you've listened to the show for awhile, you've probably already heard me mention my own story with an eating disorder. I spent years and years NOT listening to my intuition and then years and years re-teaching myself all about it.  As we explain later, there's actually a LOT in this intersection of topics of bravery, food, and creativity.

Today Marisa Molina joins us to talk about intuition and how our relationship with food can assist or drag the rest of our life and creativity down. Intuition is such a huge factor in being brave and I'm so glad her expertise in this is here for us.

Marisa Molina helps people to transform their relationship with food, their bodies, and themselves so they can eat, love and live freely. She teaches people how to use mindfulness and awareness to move past mental blocks that keep them from reaching their goals and to face challenges with ease.  Marisa is the founder of Hello Beautiful Health, a Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor and has a Master’s Degree in Public Health, concentrated in Epidemiology. Prior to starting Hello Beautiful Health, she spent 10 years in public health research and 5 managing an Obesity Prevention Research Study for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Marisa knows what's up. Take some notes y'all. This is a good one.

Brave Take-Aways

Okay, so beyond your free Bravery Bundle, your Brave Take-Away from today's show is to take your next meal as an opportunity to ask yourself some of the questions about intuition that Marisa mentioned here. What do you really want? How much of it?

We'd love to hear all about your favorite parts of today's Bare Naked Bravery. You can find Marisa Molina and myself on facebook, twitter, instagram, and more. Go ahead and tag us so we can cheer you on and see what you're up to.

Keep in Touch with Marisa Molina


Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson



If you're diggin' the music in today's episode, that's because it's brought to you by Lee Rosevere. To find out more about all the artists, musicians, and other sponsors of the show, please visit emilyannpeterson.com/partners


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