053: How to Encounter Fear: Advice from a Former Adrenaline Junkie with Akshay Nanavati

Today is going to be an adventure, that's for sure.
After overcoming drug addiction, a diagnosis of PTSD after the war in Iraq, and a battle with alcohol that pushed him to the brink of suicide, Akshay has since explored the most hostile environments on the planet and built a global business helping people live limitless lifestyles. Combining years of research in neuroscience and psychology with his life experience, Akshay wrote the book “Fearvana: The Revolutionary Science of How to Turn Fear Into Health, Wealth and Happiness.”
I wanted to have Akshay join us because 1) he was nominated to the show by a previous guest and Bare Naked Bravery community member, David Shriner-Cahn but 2) we haven't featured a perspective of PTSD yet and I really appreciated Akshay's particular experience and journey in this. Also, 3) the Dalai Lama wrote the foreword to his book and I really wanted to know how that came about!
I think you'll really enjoy this. Let's make like a skydiver and jump on into it!
Brave Take-Aways
Your main Brave-Take Away for today's episode is to do what I mentioned earlier in the episode. For every review you leave in iTunes mentioning this episode, I will donate $10 to Planned Parenthood to ensure cancer screenings are accessible and affordable.
Your secondary Brave-Take Away is to get yourself screened. Make an appointment with a doctor to make sure you've got the preventative measures taken care of. I know that's not a really sexy homework assignment, but this is the stuff that makes the world go round. This is how bravery really is. It's not sexy. Sometimes it's covered in sniffles, tears, and tissues and isn't always glamorous.
Keep in Touch with Akshay Nanavati
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
If you're diggin' the music in today's episode, that's because it's brought to you by Lee Rosevere. To find out more about all the artists, musicians, and other sponsors of the show, please visit emilyannpeterson.com/partners
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