The School of Bravery Podcast Archive
The research for the book Bare Naked Bravery: How to Be Creatively Courageous started with a podcast which continues today as a free resource & supplemental content for students of The School of Bravery.
ps030: How to Ask for What You're Worth
BareNakedBravery is asking for what you're worth.
This week on @barenakedbravery we're talking about a VERRRRY common question for creatives: How to ask for what you're worth!
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
If you're diggin' the music in today's episode, that's because it's brought to you by Lee Rosevere. To find out more about all the artists, m…
ps029: When You Need Cash but Everyone's Running for the Hills
Fellow Creative Misfit, Tamara submitted the following question: "I'm in a really bad place financially. Like really bad. It seems like everyone I'm talking with about becoming a client of mine is back peddling and turning away. What do I do?" Ohhh girl. I've been there. and I've got some things for you to think about... perhaps they will reveal your next steps for getting yourself out of a financial pickle like this one.
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
ps028: How to Self-Care Without Becoming a Softie
Fellow Bare Naked Bravery community member submitting this stellar question for this week, "How do you balance self-care with self-discipline?" Suuuuch a good question! So that's what I dive into today. Where is the line between kindness, compassion, and getting uncomfortable? Do they belong together? Let's find out!
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
ps027: How to Get More Results From Less Effort
Over the last couple weeks I've seen this happen a lot: my creative friend will go on vacation, work maybe 1 hour everyday while away only to return to a super hugely financially profitable week! Why does this happen?! And how have I been able to be soooo productive? It's allll about the 80/20 Pareto Principle. 80% of the results come from 20% of the effort. That's what we're talking about today on this week's peep show mini episode!
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
ps022: How to Gain Clarity from Big Horizons
This week I'm driving all the way across the country! My creative sabbatical in Atlanta, GA has wrapped up and I'm headed back to the Pacific Northwest to nestle into a new life on Orcas Island, WA. I'm really excited about it and this week's Peep Show is all about how much I gain from these long road trips. There's something magical about being in the midst of big horizons...
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson…
ps021: Why Celebration & Connection is So Important
I faced a looooong to-do list this week, which is why today we're looking at why it's so important to celebrate and connect, even with the small stuff. Our seasons of bravery sometimes BEG us for this and I know that sometimes those really dark seasons of bravery make it really hard to reach out and connect with folks. But it's sooo soooooo soooooo important that we do this. Take a listen and learn how I did that this week.
ps020: The One Thing I Wish I Did This Week
I've given some crazy wonderful announcements this week and my brain is going ALL over the place, so here we are at the end of this week and I'm really wishing I had done this one thing more: expression, for the sake of expression. Take a listen to this week's Peep Show episode to find out what I mean and why it's so so important to me.
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson…
ps019: Seven Steps to Setting Difficult Boundaries
FYI - A version of this podcast episode was also featured on Fons Amplify.
If you’re reading or listening to this, most likely you’ve found yourself at one time or another feeling like a friend, family member, client, or student has stepped on your toes.
Maybe a client is chronically late to their appointments? Maybe they go way over their allotted time with you? Maybe someone is perpetually late payments? Or they arrive with last minute and unreasonable demands? Maybe they talk over you whi…
ps018: Regaining Control of the Brake Pedal
I got LAID OUT with a cold earlier this week and was confronted with some honesty that changed a few things for me. So that's what this week's peep show is all about: regaining control of the brake pedal, taking your foot off the gas pedal, and making decisions that require projects to either come to a full stop or get postponed.
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson…
ps017: How to Stop Second-Guessing Yourself
This subject was brought up this week by a Bravery Student of mine. She's a creative and someone caught her off her game. Their comparison comments messed with her groove, so her question to me was "What do I do now that I've begun to second-guess myself?" The whole situation pushed my Mama Bear buttons and today's peep show episode covers my official answer to that question...
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
ps016: Your Helpers Are All Around: Here's How To Find Them
When you're putting yourself out there, things can get scary and overwhelming. But one of the best "mantras" I've adopted in the last several months is this: I have helpers. I've seen over and over again that helpers really are all around us. We just have to look for them. So that's what we talk about on today's peep show mini episode of Bare Naked Bravery: All my favorite go-to sources to find my helpers!
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
ps015: When You're Scattered & Scared
At the time of recording this little peep show & mini episode, I was really overwhelmed. Like *scared* overwhelmed. I turned to my favorite ways of refocusing myself and regaining my sense of power. So that's what I divulge in this little peek behind the curtain of the bravery I am facing first-hand.
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
I'm looking forward to being with you next week. …
ps014: How to Fight the Funk
Feeling discouragement, apathy, dissatisfaction and general ickiness is the least fun thing I can think of. When we're feeling really stagnant in life, there are some pretty reliable methods I personally turn to when I'm in a funk. That's what this episode is all about!
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
I'm looking forward to being with you next week. We have some great things in sto…
ps013: Rest is Not Avoidance
It's true. Just because you're resting, does not mean you're procrastinating. Rest is not avoidance. Sometimes rest is the single most powerful method of 1) recognizing that what you thought was "flow" was just busy work and 2) discovering the next best step.
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
I'm looking forward to being with you next week. We have some great things in store for you!
…ps012: How to Overcome Overwhelm with Big Projects
Indecision (and too many decisions) can freeze us, lock up our progress, and create big time avoidance and resistance towards accomplishing a big brave task. Creatives fall victim to this for so many valid reasons. In this peep show mini episode I show you how I walked through this kind of speedbump with one of my Bravery students this week.
Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson
I'm lookin…
ps008: It's My Birthday & I'll Cry If I Want To
This week is my birthday. I will be 31 years old. I cannot imagine what my life would look like if I dropped out of school to get married at the age of 8.
To honor the education and experience I've been granted in my 31 years, I'm donating $31 every month this year to -- They serve over 1100 girls in 26 villages, helping them stay in school and out of child marriage, and they fund more than 20 girls removed from brothels in Bangladesh.
There is no greater human rights iss…
ps007: The Voices of The 2017 Women's March - Part 2
If you've been following my latest journey via email or Instagram, you'll know that am not in the Pacific Northwest, like I have been for the past 10 years. I am currently in Atlanta, GA on a several month-long sabbatical. I'm here taking care of my grandfather, spending time with my Southern branch of family, and finishing up my long-awaited and upcoming book and album.
This is why on Saturday, January 21st I found myself walking the streets of Downtown Atlanta with about 63,000 other people.…
ps006: The Voices of The 2017 Women's March - Part 1
If you've been following my latest journey via email or Instagram, you'll know that am not in the Pacific Northwest, like I have been for the past 10 years. I am currently in Atlanta, GA on a several month-long sabbatical. I'm here taking care of my grandfather, spending time with my Southern branch of family, and finishing up my long-awaited and upcoming book and album.
This is why on Saturday, January 21st I found myself walking the streets of Downtown Atlanta with about 63,000 other people.…
ps005: Saying Our Goodbyes Well
It's pretty fitting that this was the week we talk about death and goodbyes on the podcast because earlier this week my darling grandmother passed away. Yes, our family is sad. But she lived a beautiful life and it was time to say goodbye.
Here's a little peek into how saying goodbye well has looked in my life recently...
ps004: Big Announcements & How to Make Them
When you've got a huge announcement, how do you go about making it?
Who do you tell first? What role does privacy and intimacy play in this decision? Is it like throwing spaghetti and seeing what sticks? or more like passing notes in class?
I've got a big announcement to make (you'll hear it below.) There will be more details revealed as time unfolds, but for now these issues of intimacy, privacy, and over-exposure are top of my mind...