Guest Experts: Trainings & Interviews

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Discomfort & Curiosity with Yoga Teacher Trainer Ashton Szabo
Grow Your Bravery By Balancing Curiosity & Discomfort - Ashton Szabo, yoga teacher trainer, body movement specialist

Guest Faculty Interview with Kate Fontana - How to Use Meditation to Find More Empowerment, Stillness & Imagination
How to Use Meditation to Find More Empowerment, Stillness & Imagination - Kate Fontana, meditation teacher, spiritual advisor

Webinar - Taking Your Music Biz Online (with Erin Mae Lewis) - The School of Bravery
Moving Your Music Biz Online - Erin Mae Lewis, music educator, performer

Finding Your 3 Word Rebellion - Michelle Mazur - Guest Expert
Finding Your 3 Word Rebellion - Dr. Michelle Mazur, market researcher & messaging coach

The Psychology of Color with Stylist Rayne Parvis
The Psychology of Color - Rayne Parvis, personal stylist

Amber Hawken - Guest Expert
Getting Honest: Is It Fear or Intuition? - Amber Hawken, speaker, author, therapist

Discomfort & Curiosity with Yoga Teacher Trainer Ashton Szabo
Balancing Discomfort & Curiosity - Ashton Szabo, yoga teacher trainer

Guest Expert - Kristen Kalp
The Power of Breathwork - Kristen Kalp, business coach

Conquering New Mediums of Social Media - Michelle Lewis
Live Streaming & Conquering New Mediums of Communication - Michelle Lewis, visibility coach

The One Thing You Need Before Taking a Big Risk - Fabienne Raphaël, business coach & athletic mentor
Emily Ann Peterson

SOB Guest Expert - Erika Olson - Practicalities of Contracts & Agreements
The Practicalities of Contracts & Agreements - Erika Amy Olson, songwriter & former attorney

Guest Expert Bonus Interview - The Beauty of Conflict and Friction in Relationships - The School of Bravery
Tools for Resolving Conflict - CrisMarie Campbell & Susan Clarke

Quietly Fabulous with Susan M
Introverted Super Powers - Susan M Steele, content coach

SOB guest expert - Ellis Delaney - Crucial Tools for ADHD & Creativity
Crucial Tools for ADHD & Creativity - Ellis Delaney, songwriter

Ian Morgan Cron - The School of Bravery
Internal Reality Check Card - Ian Cron, Enneagram teacher, author, Episcopal priest & trained psychotherapist